Lorena Lazarić is an assistant professor in the professional field of Philology (branch of Romance Philology). She is a reviewer of textbooks intended for learning Italian in preschool institutions and schools. She is a long-time employee of the Agency for Education and Teacher Training: until 2007 she was the head of the Expert Commission for the Italian Language in Primary Schools of the County of Istria, and she is also a long-time member of the National Committee for Italian Language Competitions and the Examination Committee for the State Licensing Examination (since 2013). Her research interests, which include aspects of second language acquisition, comparative analysis and translation theories, have led to her participation in numerous national and international scientific conferences and workshops, as well as various lectures in Italy and abroad on the aforementioned topics. 

Kristina Riman is an associate professor at Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia, in the field of Philology, Theory and History of Literature. She works at the Faculty of Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities, teaching courses on children’s and young adult literature, Croatian children’s novels, and media culture. She is also a member of the Croatian Association of Children’s Literature Researchers and serves on the editorial board of the journal Libri & Liberi. She has participated in two international and three inter-institutional projects and was the leader of the inter-institutional project “Literary and Musical Characteristics of Croatian Children’s Song in the Literary-Historical and Musical Context”. She is a member of the Council of the Slovene National Minority in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and collaborates with the Institute of Ethnic Studies in Ljubljana. Her research interests relate to historical perspectives on identity, children’s literature, travel writing, storytelling and Croatian-Slovenian literary relations.